Difficulties and Techniques in Canyoning

Walking or marching along a riverbed is one of the most frequent maneuvers you will encounter when descending a ravine. However, essentially other types of maneuvers are required. In them we will use many techniques other than just walking like rappelling, opposition, swimming, dexterity, jumping, etc. Depending on whether we are going to descend a […]

Family canyoning in Sierra de Guara and the Pyrenees

The trend of recent years is showing that canyoning has ceased to be a sport of specialists, to become a magnificent activity of enjoyment of nature available to the whole family. The Sierra de Guara, the Mecca of canyoning in Europe, is a privileged land with more than 100 canyon descents. Some are very technical […]

About us. Avalancha: Canyoning in Alquezar, Sierra de Guara

Desde que se fundó AVALANCHA – Deportes de Aventura su prestigio a ido en aumento gracias a su dilatada experiencia profesional. El creciente número de clientes así lo avalan. Su equipo técnico lo forman guías titulados, expertos en actividades que van desde el descenso de cañones hasta el esquí, pasando por la espeleología, la escalada […]

Hydrospeed and Rafting In the Pyrenees, Huesca

Rafting in the Pyrenees, in the rivers of the province of Huesca, is one of the most popular activities. In addition to rafting, hydrospeed and kayaking are the most popular activities in rivers with a high flow. Since there are no rivers in the Sierra de Guara with the ideal characteristics for rafting, it is […]

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